Curse of the lipomancer. Remus let out a huff as he reached the bottom of the stairs, running his paw through his hair as he tried to calm himself down. Curse of the lipomancer

Remus let out a huff as he reached the bottom of the stairs, running his paw through his hair as he tried to calm himself downCurse of the lipomancer  Fantasy WG story

Johanna lowered her lips to the soup, using all remaining self control to simply not shove her muzzle into the stew and immediately pig out. - Writing. Curse of the Lipomancer: Ensnared Illustration 1/3. "Jane, something weird is in the forest," Mara said, a look of confusion on her face. GP REWARD · , , This choice: Head towards the soup room and investigate. Com member account. Chapter 11 The Massive Cow and Her Missing Daughter. So much stronger - nigh invincible, even! She sat straight up, striking her arms out towards the ceiling as she stretched, and readied herself for the day ahead, not even noticing the way her body jiggled and bounced more prominently with. She quickly dressed herself in her leather pants and tunic, the gear was not very protective in a fight, but what. Adventurers find something powerful, and very hungry. Will you be able to get through the Ruins, reach the top of the Lipomancer’s Tower, and beat the Lipomancer? Or will you succumb to the Lipomancer’s influence? Only time will tell! Curse of the Lipomancer. Dawn said, glancing back at the male and smirking, "Perhaps if we find The Lipomancer he can finally put some meat on those bones of yours!" Felix's eyebrows shot up in surprise, a blush on his cheeks, before those same brows furrowed and he let out a. "This surprise quickly turned to anger as whatever possessed Jane realized Mara was free from the food's curse. Fantasy WG story. End: Critical Mission Failure. "I am who you seek, I am the Sitharli, I am the Lipomancer. . Chapter 12 Not Quite the Clues they Need. Curse of the Lipomancer. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Jane opened her eyes to the beams of the morning sun shining through the window and onto her bed. Veronica knelt down to Dawn as the two bandits kept her on the execution block to have a few last words with the mare. The pain of the bovine’s expression was enough to make the ranger cringe, a surge of shame speeding through her now, “I’m…. . Fantasy WG story. Adventurers find something powerful, and very hungry. Curse of the Lipomancer: Ensnared Illustration 2/3 by Infinite-Loup, visual art. They paused for a moment at the top, allowing their guide to catch up with them before she opened the double doors and led the duo down a wide and richly decorated hallway, its cleanliness standing contrast to the one they had. The two fatties left the cursed fair, too focused on their goal to reach the lair of the Lipomancer and his hoard of treasure to notice that the tents and booths had vanished once they were almost out of sight. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. "Hey, hands off pervert!" - shouted blushed mage ready to send that spirit to the hell, but it already disappeared. . There she would grow fatter, there she would slowly fill that cell, and there she would realize a fact. . Curse of the Lipomancer. As soon as the first drops hit her lips however, all reason for restraint seemed to evaporate into thin air like a mirage, a meaningless illusion. by Wuff Fox. GP REWARD This choice: Force: Maria still turns her nose up! Time for the pig trough. Fantasy WG story. Liquid Paradise. What appeared to be a long, tentacle-like tongue protruded from the figure's hood, snaking into the woman's mouth. Everything was fine until her father became ill. However, she is concerned with lifting the curse that is on these people and now you. Dawn nearly choked on the sugary cream now. by Wuff Fox. GP REWARD This is an interactive story. Get inspired by our community of talented artists. "Queen of Tarts? Is she affiliated with perverted Lipomancer?" Jonathan asked. Fantasy WG story. She got to the edge of the cliff before she turned around to face him, realizing that even if she tried to run from him, she'd likely suffer the same fate as the three adventurers, even if she attempted to fly away. Unbelievable tales of the most outlandish and grotesque sort. no, they were horrible because of what they could do and had done to this woman on her hands and knees in the muck. ”But then she thought about who might have done this. "Ooh. With a little magic, of course, Johanna had been dragged off to the heart of his Lair, where she may be living to this day, as the Lipomancer's most successful experiment, partner, and lover. %%EST%%. She looked up at the newly reformed Lipomancer and screamed, stumbling away from him as she tried to escape. " Dawn thought of a lot insults and curses she wanted to say to the wretched feline before she had the burly man execute her, suddenly an idea came to her. . Remus let out a huff as he reached the bottom of the stairs, running his paw through his hair as he tried to calm himself down. ” interrupted the Lipomancer. " "Lady Bellmoon is grateful. Fantasy WG story. Adventurers find something powerful, and very hungry. “You will also deliver to me twenty of your most beautiful harem. Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Erotica · # 1587290. . Maria then notices that she's practically nude, except for the leaves from the honey tree that clung to her sticky fur. Her stomach grumbled impatiently, and the plump wolfess let out a resigned sigh, "Fine! I trust you. The food was definitely the same cursed food from the inn, as she could already feel her mouth drooling. Those few that did were unrecognizable, spinning yarns of hideous creatures and despicable traps that posed a more unusual sort of danger to those who. 0 10. From her head was draped locks of long brown hair and her body was donned in long yellow robes with plentiful pockets. Johanna, a strong barbarian wolfess. Curse of the Lipomancer: What was that? - Writing. Adventurers find something powerful, and very hungry. The beastkin mare attempted to sit up to look around but only got halfway when she felt something holding her arms back. GP REWARD · , , This choice: Sally, a thin female cowgirl villager who accidentally enters the. Watch. Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Erotica · # 1587290. GP. Neia: Ref Sheet Concept. "Stand back!" Mara shouted, and Jane ran to the back of the room just as a blast blew the door off the frame. She is on a holy quest to put an end to the Lipomancer. Chapter 14 The Missing Sister by: s42ftw More by this author The door slowly opened, revealing a tall young human woman. GP REWARD · , , This choice: They explore the mansion’s hallways. . Sir DeNoon has been alerted to the holy kingdom's war against the Lipomancer. Someone interrupts her honey feast. The Lipomancer disappeared in a puff of smoke, and Fenra closed her eyes. " Jonathan said in a compassionate tone. A thief in the night. Lady Berrywater looked up from her snack, tears coming to her eyes as they met Uturi’s. GP REWARD This choice: The pair encounter a strange monster. Infinite-Loup. Est. Adventurers find something powerful, and very hungry. Fantasy WG story. Johanna shook her head groggily, sniffling a bit, eyes blinded by a bright white light. Adventurers find something powerful, and very hungry. Curse of the Lipomancer. %%EST%%. Chapter 24 Toy Gladiator by: MetroidBob More by. com. Fantasy WG story. Curse of the Lipomancer. Jane couldn't bring herself to get out of bed. Mara ran to Jane and grabbed her arm. Remus was once again trying to pull himself together. GP REWARD. . by Wuff Fox . Est. Disoriented, for a moment she could see nothing but an uneven string of stars glowing orange in the darkness. %%EST%%. · Go Back. Remus nodded to his partner as he went over his plan, “We need to get some information about our job. . " Grungor only scoffed as the pathetic beggar knelt before the pair, coughing and wheezing, her long, gray, dirty hair hiding the. But, before they began their long journey, Mara and Grungor stopped alongside the road in a clearing of trees to make camp for the night, not wanting to risk the dangers of. Fantasy WG story. Posts. GP REWARD · , , This choice: Stay and Eat · Go Back. 3 Comments. Curse of the Lipomancer: Ensnared Illustration 1/3. As the creator of the interactive, I’m still not sure where I’d like to take the story. Maria whimpered as she plucked yet another berry off of the strange plant, wondering if she had just lost her mind. 5 263. Notes: Warning: This story contains forcefeeding and massive weight gain, as well as some slight slob. Sizing Up the Pig. Get inspired by our community of talented artists. · Go Back. 3 195. adventurer belching big. . . It was quite obvious that it was either a cult, a lone worshipper, or… she shuddered to think, the Lipomancer himself. . How do we know ye ain’t a spy fer the wicked, crafty ol’ Lipomancer?” His nostrils flared, and Kairi uttered a one-word cantrip, sending a light shock into the man’s hand. by: Wuff Fox More by this author. by Wuff Fox. Curse of the Lipomancer. Whatever was the case, somebody must have told them that she was searching for the Sitharli, somebody had talked. · Go Back. She yawned, and closed them for a minute. by Wuff Fox. Adventurers find something powerful, and very hungry. Curse of the Lipomancer. . Will you be able to get through the Ruins, reach the top of the Lipomancer’s Tower, and beat the Lipomancer? Or will you succumb to the Lipomancer’s influence? Only time will tell! Curse of the Lipomancer. She could swear the waitress glared at her as she left!Dawn gagged as the horrendously sweet surge of cream plunged past her lips, eyes wide with surprise as it barreled down her throat. A few token guards patrolled the shanty towns. %%EST%%. Chapter 13 Force: Maria still turns her nose up! Time for. The Girl, The Curse, The Transformation 2,130 story chapters ; Unborn wisher 213 story chapters ; A Princess's muffin top 94 story chapters ; TV What if 1,253 story chapters ; Hinata Hyuga's Curse 237 story chapters ; Game of Thrones Stuffing Interactive 15 story chapters ; RAID(Reality Altering Interface Device) 360 story chaptersRichard laid a hand o the door handle, only to be suddenly frozen in place. Some even go to join his ranks and fatten those who rebel. ”Still frowning, Johanna groaned and shook her head. Still, the man carrying her reacted, tightening his grip on her back and thigh respectively. Curse of the Lipomancer. 195 Favourites. . As the young elf walked into the clearing, she raised an eyebrow at the sight of the creepy castle that sat in the middle of a clearing. " With dark sorcerer's identity confirmed the paladin and squire maintain their defensive position with their swords at the ready. . Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Erotica · # 1587290. Est. Curse of the Lipomancer by Wuff Fox Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Erotica · # 1587290 Fantasy WG story. In a different, and magical world, there is told a legend about a dark and lonely cave full of every single treasure one can imagine. " The first bucket was hefted over and dropped into the side of the trough, pouring the greasy slop into the angled center. . Curse of the Lipomancer: Ensnared Illustration 1/3. This choice:. " Jane thought to herself, glancing down at her flat stomach. . . Chapter 6 The. · Go Back. . GP REWARD This choice: Make Johanna the bed, but tell her first. She moved away from the door and back across the room towards where the collection of food sacks were. "Please, oh noble travelers!" The ancient, destitute woman pleaded, "Have some kindness? Spare a few copper for a poor old wretch. . By. !”As the hyena boy pulled open the door, he let out a slight huff before speaking over his shoulder, “It’s just the bathroom…” Before stepping inside. How could this have happened?The Lipomancer can attack your mind directly when in his domain. . And yet a few never even return. Adventurers find something powerful, and very hungry. Motives of the Lipomancer: Undiscovered. "What?" The rogue answered, a bit dazed from her sleep. Fantasy WG story. Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Erotica · # 1587290. The dark cave had an ominous feel to it as Johanna and Richard walked deeper into the belly of the beast. Remus couldn’t stop staring the elf down as if she were a threat and Uturi could have sworn that the woman’s happy expression soured a. Fantasy WG story. Adventurers find something powerful, and very hungry. She looked up into the other's eyes again, her tongue hanging out as she panted a bit before she placed her other paw on top of the wolfess's and her own. GP REWARDWhat was that? Johanna had to admit, it wasn't easy navigating the twisting passageways of this place, especially with a belly taught and full of fudge. by: Wuff Fox More by this author. ·. "Any last words you wish to share with us. Curse of the Lipomancer: Ensnared Illustration 2/3. Yet even more worrying was how eagerly she licked at the fudge. by Wuff Fox. It wasn't snowing at the moment, but it had recently, and it was a rare moment for this town to not be covered in the stuff.